Thursday, February 25, 2010

IF: Propagate

Another contribution to Illustration Friday's weekly topic.


Andrew Finnie said...

Heh, this one makes me itchy! Nice to see your work again. Great idea on the newspaper

Kayleen West said...

Freaky but very good :-)

Anonymous said...

You are a bloody good artist!! Good work!!
p.s. I was that kid in school too - funny how things turn out.


Julio Cerletti said...

Nice work! Wonderful character and great idea!

Sally Taylor said...

hehehe, this one really makes me giggle. Thank God humans don't divide like bacteria!

Pandorah's Box said...

Once again, another awesome piece! One day, you and I will collaborate on an illustrated book or something k?

Yeah good :)

Really though, you are pretty awesome.

Alien Predador said...

Interesting, very good work!
Hey I kinda AM that kid... no much of a kid anymore! I´m starting to try to make a living out from drawing, got any tips??